Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for your replies to my enquiry about weaving workshops. They are very much appreciated and all of them have/will be passed along.
Moving on ... Most of the years I've had this blog, I've promoted myself as a knitter/spinner (hence the name, 'Too Much Wool'). In real life, though, I've spent the better part of nearly the last 20 years being a professional quilting teacher. Lately, with the healing of my thumb-crisis over and done with, I've been quilting a lot again. And looking at my quilting stash and realizing that it's overwhelming me, and I need to do something about it.
Having spent 19 years getting discounts at great NYC fabric stores, combined with my over-eager aggregation of materials I've taken a good, long step back. And I've decided that it's time to send some of this bounty out into the universe.
This is going to be un-scientific, and it's going to be biased. (You have been forewarned.)
Starting tomorrow, I'm going to start going through my stash, and posting lots of fabric (and probably books too) to be given away to .... the person whose comment touches, amuses, or piques my interest the most.
Due to crazy international shipping rates, I will probably have to limit this to people in the United States (unless you're willing to pay the postage to somewhere outside the US.
My camera is charged and ready. Stay tuned.