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30 May 2006



Sigh...sounds and looks marvelous.


Looks wonderful! Hmmm......is that a Schacht I see peeking out...?:-))


I thought I saw you - but since I haven't commented here in a while I didn't want to be all 'stalker-ish' and freak you out ;o)

Rachel H

Interesting that the talk of wood came right after sheep and before wool. I like that. My current bedtime reading is a rather large book called Understanding Wood.

Merlin Tree Dave makes me smile too. Looks like Juno's baby got taken in for the fix. This is good. Wish I'd been there. Sigh.


Excellent. Thanks for teaching me to spindle and letting me use your new spindle to boot.


Sounds like a fabulous weekend. Look forward to hearing more about it.


I misread the sentence about talking; I thought you had been talking *to* the sheep, wood, wheels & wool.

But I guess talking *about* them is just as fun also.


Wonderful. Thanks for the photos. I'm so glad you came.

Marcy, Blogless

Always a pleasure to enable you, TMW. :D May we continue the tradition for many years to come.

Beth S.

If I had known you were going to Cummington, I might have made a more concerted effort to talk my spouse out of the weekend remodeling plans. Sigh...


Did Kellee buy that wheel?


It was great to see you, Cassie! Glad you could make it up.


It was really lovely to spend some time with you this weekend, Cassie.

I hope to see you again soon!

Dorothy B

Looks like fun was had!


I'm crabby about being home. And the correct word is wool-pusher, not wool dealer.
No matter how nice they are, they are still dealing drugs. Says she with four new fleeces lined up on the kitchen sill.....


Oh, the lamb picture is making me smile on a bad day. Thank you! And I love the color of the pink handspun!


I do hope that is the matchless...I'm just sorry I didn't say anything on Saturday because it'd have been lovely to see you using it!


Glad you got to get away and play for the weekend. :-)

Diane E.

Nice to meet you on Saturday! I just bought a couple small things but it may have have been a heavier load if I'd had a wool pusher in tow. Love your finished and unf.projects, especially Celtic Dreams which is in que here at IndigoDi.
Diane E.


Stealth TMW, indeed. Glad I could help in the enabling department. I finally returned the favor.


Photos! Hooray! Thank you! Can we go back now? I wasn't done with the hanging out and the having fun parts.


Sounds like great fun!

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