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18 May 2005



Beautiful colorway on the new(er) sock. Constant vacation wouldn't feel half so good - you need something to contrast it to. (God please don't strike me dead for that grammar.)
Regrets = something to anticipate at Rhinebeck. And time to make sure it isn't all part of a feeding frenzy.


I so wanted to get a fleece at ms&w, but didn't think it wise, having only bought a spindle earlier in the day. i did get some nice rovings from riverside farm, though. it is a slippery slope. do i know what i'm going to do with all this handspun. no. does it matter? probably not. yesterday - spinning in the park with jennifer (lunch & lesson)


Star Wars opening night?!? I think I'm more jealous of that than your fantastic fiber adventure.

I always feel like I need a vacation after a vacation - everything's such an adjustment. Hope you're back to normal soon.


Oooooh, ahhhhhh, I love the colorway of that new sock. Never fear, there will be fiber and combs at the next festival. And we're doing NH again next year, without a DOUBT. That is a fine little festival, baby!


LOVE the new sock colors!! You and I must be drawn to the same colorways......that one is YUMMY!!!

Keep thinking ahead to Rhinebeck and all the good things that you will bring home then :-)))


The need to second guess is in our blood. no? Are we ever happy with what IS? You did well at the fest and I think your sheep shit smelly locks would bring back the memories of such a wonderful weekend often.
I'm such a dweeb I didn't know what you were talking about until you said Star Wars. What is the Revenge of the Sith? I thought it was a new Broadway play.

Janice in GA

I have come to the conclusion that, unless you have something *very* specific in mind, life is too short to process your own wool. OTOH, it's a useful skill to know, I guess. But don't start with a whole fleece. Split one with someone, and see how you like the sorting, washing, drying, carding/combing routine.
Of course, if you've done it before and enjoyed it, ignore my comments. :-) I don't mind dealing with small quantities, but a whole fleece is more dirty wool than I really want to deal with anymore.
But that sheepy smell *is* kinda fun, isn't it??
Janice in GA, wool sniffer

Laura J

Actually, the splitting one with someone is a good idea. And Mary Pratt always has more... and Susan Mongold has more...

I am having trouble figuring out what to do now that I am not trying to get ready for NHS&W. I think I'll try to get ready for Rhinebeck.

In the interim, I am spinning some very lovely stuff from Copper Moth.


I hear you. This month has been such a blast (sheep! wool! knitters! spinners! bloggers! more wool!), I'm getting a little bit spoiled. My job seems completely onerous, since it takes me away from spinning. Yet, it pays for spinning wheels, and this is rather important. There are lots of places to get a lovely fleece if you're really feeling bereft. Cummington, for instance... ;)


Mamacate is so right. Cummington is coming right up, and I know that I will be seeing Mary the crack/fleece dealer....


I know just what you mean about regret: I got home from the MD fest and wondered how I had only bought {x, y, z}. I'm trying to tell myself this gives me time to do something with the goodies I do have; it's not quite working yet.
By the way, congratulations on getting into opening day of "Revenge of the Sith"!

julia fc

Okay, uh, this is probably the wrong time to tell you this, but when it comes to buying a fleece, I have one word for you: processing. $30 for a five pound fleece, made into roving. And they send it to you when they're done with the magic. You should know this for the next time.


Oh there's always more fleece! Sheep are good that way. Much like my angora rabbit gives me 4 good clips a year that I can't keep up with. Spring and fall always brings more freshly shorn fleece for us to dig into. Did you find the FleeceforSale, FiberBuyandTrade, or Spin-Sales lists on yahoogroups yet? ;)


Hm. Plenty fleece support here. I'm worried about the "ploughing through sock yarn" part. How can we get it to be more enjoyable? Socks are fab! No, really.


I love that sheepy smell - it even stays with you after many handwashings. A good stink. Also have to say I love the colorway for that sock - absolutely gorgeous. Looks like a sunset.


Cassie, as usual, your hand knit socks are gorgeous and you are inspiring me to be more adventureous with patterns. When I am done with my striping socks I think I will have to play with some goodies like yours!


Nice crimp.

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